Due to the COVID-19 the Town of Hartford Recycle Center will be closed until further notice.
Spring Presidential Preference Preference and Spring Election
April 7 2020 Election
April 7 2020 Election
Recycle Center Closed
Recycling Center will be closed starting March 25, 2020 until further notice due to the COVID-19 Virus. Thank you for your cooperation.
April 7 2020 Election
With all of the issues we are currently facing due to Coronavirus we are following the Election Commissions and CDC recommendations and highly encouraging our voters to request mailed absentee ballots. The easiest way to do so is to visit www.myvote.wi.gov to request your ballot. You may also use that link to verify you are registered to vote. You do need to be registered first to request a ballot. There will also be paper copies of the request form availabe outside our door in a plastic bin. You can either mail back or place in our drop box located under our posting window. Please be sure to remember to include a copy of your photo id with your request. We will also be having in person absentee voting starting Monday March 23 from 9am-1pm, Wednesday March 25 2pm-6pm, Monday March 30 9am-12pm and Wednesday April 12pm-6pm. Only 5 people will be allowed in the office at a time. If there is someone at the counter please wait for them to complete business prior to entering. We are asking you to also keep the requested 6 feet in between people. Also remember, that normal business also continues during our office hours so please be respectful of time contraints. We are doing our best to get through this very different time. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Spring Primary Election
We have recently recieved notice that the West Bend News has published February 4, 2020 as the Spring Primary Election. This is incorrect information. The date for the Spring Primary is February 18, 2020.
Pike Lake Notice of Utility Work
The City of Hartford Utility will be doing an equipment upgade on Lake Drive on Wednesday January 22, 2020. Please see attached notice. https://townofhartfordwi.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/tpfeifer@townofhartford.com_20200115_161210.pdf
Due to the amount of rain causing high water and flooding there in currently NO WAKE on Pike Lake.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.